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HP Twin Screw Rotors Image copyright (c) 2011.Supercharge your performance



A successful supercharger installation begins with careful preparation and planning.
In order to establish what can be achieved with an existing engine it is necessary, particularly on older engines, to know some of it's history.
Is it in good condition, and within manufacturers tolerances?
Has it been rebuilt or modified from the standard specification?

Many rebuilt engines have a higher than original comp. ratio, and camshaft changes are often made at the time of rebuild.
During the process of rebuilding, fitting new pistons (possibly with different crown configuration and capacity), "skimming" the cylinder head and block will affect compression ratio.

A reground camshaft with a different profile may differ from the original and affect eventual cylinder pressure.
However, many modifications which work with conventional tuning can also be successfully employed on supercharged applications.

Generally we have found that the 98 octane (roughly similar to 93 US R+M/2) fuel available in Australia is the limiting factor in safe power production.
As we tailor each kit to suit the chosen engine spec. and available fuel octane, we need to ascertain the actual ratio of each individual vehicle to establish just how much boost could safely be employed.

In order to predict suitability and output with a degree of accuracy we use our in-house developed software package.

Therefore, prior to delivery of our tailored conversion kits we require the following engine details:
Compression ratio, (or preferably cc of comb. chamber, cc of piston bowl, deck height, gasket thickness etc.),
Valve sizes,
Camshaft profile (advertised opening and closing in degrees)
Conrod length (centre to centre)
Fuel (octane rating) available
Desired boost (or power) be realistic now!

With this information and an idea of which specs may be changed (if required) it is usually possible to achieve a truly satisfactory result. Just like working with a drawing plan, it is far easier to erase a pencil line from a drawing than having to change an actual part. It is also easier to "computer design" and run an engine via appropriate software, make any changes required and then build the engine to this spec. This service has proved invaluable in achieving proven results.
Purchasers of our tailored conversion kits find this information most helpful and reassuring.